The protective effect of red wine polyphenols

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Important New Research
Demonstrates The Protective
Benefits Of Antioxidants,Carotenoids and Phytonutrients
For Maintaining Cardiovascular Health

Dietary supplementation with
polyphenols from red wine may
slow the decline in vascular function
associated with age, suggests a

new study. Subjects administered red wine polyphenols in
the laboratory were found to have less dysfunction of the
endothelium (the cells lining blood vessels)  as well as
an improved ageing-related decline in physical exercise,
according to findings published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.


Endothelial function naturally and gradually decreases
over time, and it has been linked to range of age-related
diseases, especially cardiovascular disease (CVD). “The
present findings indicate that regular intake of red wine
polyphenols starting at a young age  reduces the
endothelial dysfunction and the impaired physical exercise
capacity at an advanced age,” report researchers from the
University of Strasbourg in France.


Commenting on the mechanism, the French researchers
believe that the clear benefits were linked to a
reduction in vascular oxidative stress, which may occur
by inhibiting the enzyme NADPH oxidase. The enzyme
generates superoxide and has been linked to the
hardening of arteries and an increased risk of heart

Red Wine and Heart Health

The heart health benefits of red wine led to the coining
of the phrase ‘the French Paradox’ in 1992 by Dr Serge
Renaud from Bordeaux University to describe the low
incidence of heart disease and obesity among the French,
despite their relatively high-fat diet and levels of wine

The focus of the French Paradox then shifted towards
resveratrol, a powerful polyphenol and anti-fungal
chemical, as being the bioactive compound in grapes
and red wine.

Study Details

The researchers divided subjects into four groups:
Group 1 received 3 percent ethanol (control); groups 2
and 3 received 25 or 75 mg of red wine polyphenols per kg
of body weight per day in 3 percent ethanol; the last group
received the antioxidant and NADPH oxidase apocynin at
100 mg/kg/day in 3 percent ethanol.


Results showed that both polyphenol groups and the
apocynin group showed much lower levels of
aging-induced vascular oxidative stress in the endothelium.
Furthermore, the high dose polyphenol group, but not the
lower dose group, displayed a lower decline in physical
performance, compared to the control subjects. When
tested on a treadmill, the control subjects had an
endurance capacity of six minutes, while the high dose
group had a capacity of 9.9 minutes, and the apocynin
group had a capacity of 10.9 minutes.

“A major novel finding of the present study is that regular
intake of red wine polyphenols by the subjects prevented
aging-induced endothelial dysfunction,” wrote the
researchers. “The beneficial effect of red wine polyphenols
is explained best by their ability to support oxidative stress
in the old arterial wall to a level similar as that observed in
young arteries.

may be
due to their direct antioxidant properties but possibly also
to changes in the expression pattern of endogenous
pro-oxidant and antioxidant enzymes in the arterial wall,”
they added.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

14 January 2011

“Chronic intake of red wine polyphenols by young rats
prevents aging-induced endothelial dysfunction and
decline in physical performance: Role of NADPH oxidase”

Editor’s Note: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


The longest journey starts with a single step. – Lao Tse

Coffee and Musician Marketing

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Hey Whats Up?

I was just sitting here thinking on how you could make money as a band giving away an AWESOME Product! Think of something that everyone does on a daily basis and does it 2 or 3 or more times a day.

I come to the conclusion that COFFEE is that thing……. Just think, you got 50 to 100 of your own fans at a show and the other bands have 10 to 30 fans as well, and there are 4 bands on the Bill, that sounds like 100+ fans in one place that buy Cd’s and t-shirts and 1 out of 3 of them drinks coffee!

What would be Awesome, is they wake up listen to your CD, put on your T-shirt and make a cup of your coffee that they got from you at the show. They Love the shirt, they love the CD and they want another cup of your coffee but only got one sample. So they go to your website and order a box of your awesome coffee!


You are now making money from something that is eatable while you sleep, while you play a show, while you practice etc…. Just a thought. If you want to Secure you and your bands future do something that you only have to do once and it sells itself over, and over, and over again.

Just some quick FACTS about this OPPORTUNITY:

1) Coffee is the 2nd most consumed beverage next to water…..and you need water to make coffee.

2) Coffee is the 2nd most traded commodity next to oil…… and my goodness have you checked the cost of Gas lately?

This is a no brainer!

If your interested Email Me Or check the Website

Che’ 410.493.7443

Coffee Free’s Me

Hello world! I am………..

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I am 39 live in Maryland have 2 kids, 4 dogs and really do love life! Growing in to midlife I have become tested by the system and refuse to fail. No degrees, a lot of street training, love a good legit hustle and challenged by everyday self goals. I have come to the conclusion as of this period of my life that I will not make it out here and be at the status that I am at, without working for my self.

I was partnered in a bar/restaurant, partnered in an educational company, hustled cell phones, cars, general merchandise and even sold home entertainment equipment from a white van……I know you have seen that, two guys running around in a van full of speakers saying “Hey Buddy, want to buy some speakers?” What a racket! The speakers werent worth the hassle. This has become the everyday life of mine. The Hustle.

So I keep hustling to keep food on the table, gas in the truck, and try to stay sane. I love my kids.

This is my new and most exciting hustle check it out>>>>>> COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE!

It’s Edible, It Tastes Great, It’s Good for You and it has Ganoderma! Google that one. I did.

What is Ganoderma?

In Cantonese, “Lingzhi or Reishi”, is the name for one form of the mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum. It enjoys an honourable place in Asia, where it has been used as a medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 4,000 years. In China it’s known as the “Miraculous King of Herbs”.  The scientific name “Ganoderma” is derived from the Ancient Greek   “bright shiny skin”.  The word “Lingzhi”, in Chinese, means “herb of spiritual potency” and has also been described as “mushroom of immortality“.

With this company all I had to do is taste the product, once! I was sold.

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. -Albert Einstein

My values are deep and wide and have put faith in myself to make my values successful.

Coffee is the second most consumed beverage on the planet after water. It’s the second most traded commodity after oil. People drink coffee all day, every day in almost every country around the world.

But here’s a really powerful question. When was the last time you were paid every time someone enjoyed a cup of coffee?

Wow! That really pulled me in, cause I know a lot of people who drink coffee and drink it 2 and 3 times a day! Counting myself<< I love a good cup of coffee in the morning noon and night. Had to get in it and I did. I’m a hustler, i like people, i like helping people, and I have faith that what I am doing is the right thing for everyone I come in contact with.

From website:

Organo Gold is about the empowerment of individuals through the strength of team work. Organo Gold’s industry leading compensation plan makes everything possible. It’s an innovative and generous plan that will reward you for leadership and commitment. The power of Organo Gold has already created incomes that have been life changing. It can change your life too.

And they are doing that around the world!

The company is young and vibrant and I had to get into something that was going to pave the future for my kids and theirs. So should you.
